Friday, October 22, 2004

obituary, jacques derrida

October 22

this man has created so much confusion it's nothing short of amazing.
the idea that objective truth does not exist, and the resultant
nihilism, are his gifts to mankind: thus making it intellectually
acceptable for charlatans like arundhati roy and harsh mander to
simply make up stuff and pretend it's 'the truth'. they are poseurs
'masquerading as social, political and philosophical critics' without
having taken the trouble to 'master any rigorous thought'.

in addition derrida-acolytes have the vanity that by using an
incomprehensible vocabulary, professors of english can successfully
obfuscate what they claim is their ability to explain everything about

perhaps a little uncharitably, i ascribed the indian english language
media's idiocies to him in a recent column (see the postscript). but
in fairness, the ELM is more influenced by marxist dogma (and money
from missionaries and china).

do i have a case that the Economist plagiarized from me? :-) my column
appeared a few hours before the Economist edition did, and we use the
same terms to describe derrida and co :-) :-)

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