Saturday, May 17, 2008

"Terrorists have NO religion" Alert

Jaipur: Rajasthan Muslim Forum convener Kari Mueenudin says:
"Terrorists have no religion, they just disturb communal harmony in a country like India, which is advancing and showing global presence,"

Er, We don't buy this negationist propaganda, which effectively states that the Jihadi terrorists are actually atheists! Whereas, the terrorists themselves have absolutely no compunctions in identifying their doctrine of world conquest.

And for once, lets allow the Jihadis to speak for themselves, shall we?
The candour and clarity of thought of the Jihadi enemy is not something to be sneezed at.

The overt Jihadis are preferable to insufferable practitioners of Al-Taqiya any day. The latter's dhimmitude is analogous to insisting that a Mohammedan is vegetarian simply because he refuses to consume anything that was not ritually slaughtered per Koranic scriptural instructions, i.e. Halal.
Or Kaangress dhimmis stating that the Jamaat E Islami or other Islamist organisations are "secular" because they opposed the partition of India on religious lines. They opposed the partition because they desired ALL of India to become an Islamic Caliphate!

Here's a rare good analysis in the CHINDU, of the Koranic underpinnings of the Jihadi terror doctrine. The Chinese Communist regime must have had it with the Jihadi thugs in East Turkestan (Xinjiang) if an analyst has been permitted to publish this in N. Ram's dirty psec rag!

It would be misleading, though, to understand the e-mail only as a claim of responsibility. Like a similar document issued by the Indian Mujahideen after the bombings of three trial-court buildings in Uttar Pradesh last year, the e-mail is — despite its crude style and poor spelling — a political manifesto.

According to the authors of the e-mail, the bombings were carried out to meet two purposes: first, to “blow part your tourism structure” and, second, to “demolish your faith in the dirty mud, in the name of Hanuman, Sita [and] Ram”.

But the e-mail is, for the most part, concerned with explaining just why the Indian Mujahideen are conducting terrorist attacks. Violence, the e-mail states, is a means to “to clearly give our message to Kuffar-e-Hind [the infidels of India] that if Islam and Muslims in this country are not safe then the light of your safety will also go off very soon”.

Citing from the Koran and the Hadith, or traditions of the Prophet, the Indian Mujahideen argues its actions have theological legitimacy. Scriptural calls for forgiveness relied on by the Deoband clerics, it says, are only relevant after a decisive military victory. Dialogue, it continues, is futile: “there is no existence of compromise between a believer and a non-believer.

1 comment:

exosing christianity's true agenda said...

Have you noticed the deafening silence of madame sonia? Very I posted before, she silently winks at the terrorists and they leave her alone. It's a silent unspoken handshake. sickening...SHAME ON US.