Friday, March 27, 2009

i vote for this giveaway to mohammedans

mar 27th, 2009

i think a perfect 'haj subsidy' is as follows, heck, i'll even donate something out of my own pocket:

give each mohammedan family an FM radio and broadcast their calls five times a day over a dedicated FM channel.

this would save the rest of us from being woken up at all hours by this tuneless caterwauling that the mullahs practise. arabic is a particularly ugly language to hear (it may be marginally better than chinese) so it is simply torture to impose it on us.

this is what, for instance, the singaporeans do, so that they are not all bothered at odd hours by some fellow screeching stuff you can't understand. (of course, it's probably better that you don't understand, because i suspect the content is not exactly "all religions are the same", "all indians are my brothers and sisters", "be nice to your neighbor" etc.)


witan said...

I don't think it is mullahs caterwauling, at least not Indian mullahs. The noise is often played from a CD or tape imported from Saudi Arabia or downloaded from the Internet. I doubt whether any Indian, even a "dravidian", is capable of making such nauseating noises. The CD or tape player could have been pre-set to play automatically at unearthly hours, without intervention by any anthropoid. The two-legged organism supposed to have been assigned the task could be fast asleep.
The main purpose of creating the devilish racket is to irritate and annoy normal people. Therefore, giving each Mahometan an FM ...etc will not serve any useful purpose.

blogger said...

Rajeev bhai I agree but check this out. Rs 514 crore or 5.14 Billion of Indian Tax Payers money and selfless donation of Hindus for Temples has been redirected Haj subsidy in 2008 as per the CAG report. WTF!

Please read CAG nails the lie on Congress Govt's 'aam aadmi' claims

Did you hear, Dhimmi Sardar couldn't take the challenge of Advani for a live TV debate. What a wimp!