Tuesday, April 07, 2009

new statesman: the world's first multinational

apr 3rd, 2009

in fact, it was only the *second*. the first and the most successful and most ruthless of all time is the catholic church.

but the brits really did try hard to match the unrivaled record of brutality and destruction that is trademark vatican.


1 comment:

Ghost Writer said...

a truly magnificent piece - thanks for the link. Even though the New Statesman is a trashy Mohammedan-hugging loony bin, but we should use whatever we can get.

and yet "historians" like Niall Ferguson and Max Boot keep telling us of the "free trade" principles of the British Empire, by which they mean of course that Britain should be free to simply loot colonised lands.

The peculation of India is a gift of the British. The Islamic invasions with the scorched earth policy completely destroyed India's human capital. The Whites completely looted what was left.