Monday, April 27, 2009

terrorist sings like a canary

apr 26th, 2009

the sad thing is that the media cannot be trusted. they will ignore the reality of pakistani involvement, and give out any details that might hurt the army's operations. 

this is in fact what should have been done to all captured terrorists: parade them in front of the videocamera, have them tearfully recant their terrorism and their brainwashing and say how they were lied to by the ISI, have them divulge all sorts of stuff about their training by pakistan and their brainwashing. all this can be eased by a machine gun pointed at them off-camera or a bayonet prodding them also off camera. this can have great propaganda value.

then interrogate them with serious torture, get everything useful out of them, and then shoot them "while they tried to escape". 

no, captured pakistani terrorists have no human rights. they are not human. 

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