Tuesday, June 30, 2009

china's empire extending into the bay of bengal

jun 30th, 2009

india's very clever mandarins and economists (i mean manmohan singh and p chidambaram) contrived to lose the gas fields that ONGC is a part-owner of! bloody kkkangress guys couldn't say 'boo' to the bangladeshis -- of course, being mohammedans, they are superior as far as the kkkangress is concerned, and they pee in their pants rather than 'discipline' bangladesh, which would be quite easy since the barrage on the brahmaputra is in our hands. we should have kicked bangladeshi ass when they killed our soldiers and trussed them like pigs on a pole some years ago. instead, the kkkangress are happily inviting bangladeshi mohammedans to come in and mohammedanize the entire vicinity; and there will be 120 million of them invading india as soon as their benighted land disappears underwater as sea levels rise. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Congress govt doesn't let Indians become prosperous by utilizing it's indigenous resources, isn't it a bit toomuch to expect it to fight it's votebank (Oxygen of Congress) supplier countries to benefit Indians?