Friday, June 19, 2009

Ideas, packaging and execution: why each is important

In this season of BJP’s doom – a couple of things that are important may not be noticed
. A committed secularist and a former congressman - calls for reform in Muslim personal law i.e. uniform civil code in other words. Muslim Code Bill sounds warm and fuzzy – but does it not mean the same thing?
· A more than committed secularist - and former lawyer for SIMI; does the usual pander to his community but distances himself from the quota demands
· The HRD minister of a statist party – suddenly claims faith in deregulating higher education
Milton Friedman once said of markets vs. socialism, that he won the intellectual debate on free markets (all intellectuals are now anti-statist) but lost the war (all governments across the globe are expanding and not shrinking). The BJP seems to be going the same way. The ideas seem to win – and they lose elections and vote share.

Of course – given how fickle and corrupt the KKKangress is – this could all just be al-taqiyah on a massive scale. But for the BJP it does proves that
Generating ideas (liberal civil laws based on individual rights, economic deregulation and opportunity creation)
Packaging ideas (not universal civil code – but a very halaal sounding Muslim Code Bill)
Executing ideas (deregulating higher education when you had the chance – as opposed to only purging it of the reds)
All three are important.

Why does the BJP now not claim loudly how the KKKangress is stealing its platform? More importantly – why does it not show that on issue after issue – national security, police reform, tax code simplification, environment, and agriculture – it is ahead of the curve? TVR Shenoy makes this point – with much better logic and prose

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