Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fouad Ajami: Obama's Summer of Discontent -

aug 25th, 2009

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Date: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 9:41 PM
Subject: Fouad Ajami: Obamaās Summer of Discontent -

fouad ajami writes an obituary for obama's 'man of destiny' image, says he's just another chicago pol.

i have liked ajami ever since he comprehensively trashed edward said's whining about palestinians.


Ghost Writer said...

Ajami is a good guy - he once wrote a review on one of Amartya Rothschild's book that too the lefty-lover to the cleaners. he has consistently called the 'arab nationalists' to be the thugs they are. so unlike those "liberals" - spitting on America even as they queue up for their green cards!

nizhal yoddha said...

i did read ajami's deconstruction of the foul amartya rothschild. yes, and although edward said was right about 'orientalism', he defended the arab barbarians too much.

nizhal yoddha said...

repost: old post on this blog re ajami.

jun 19th, 2007

amazed that the nytimes actually carried this article. they are
usually so keen to toe the palestinians-as-victims line. i once upon a
time used to believe that line, but over time i came to see them, as
ajami points out -- and he should know, being a lebanese himself -- a
bunch of people who are never going to live in peace. if they have no
others to kill, they kill each other on minor pretexts. (actually this
is true of arabs in general, see the iraqi sunnis blowing up the shia
mosque. in fact it is true of wannabe-arabs too, see pakistan).

i have liked prof ajami ever since he said edward said was a
self-aggrandizing liar (or words to that effect). i liked him even
more when he said amartya sen was an idiot (in so many words, i think.
i posted his bashing -- well-reasoned and thoughtful -- of sen on this
blog some time ago). now he tells a very inconvenient truth: the
emperor has no clothes. the palestinians have been so puffed-up with
all this victimhood talk that they will never be satisfied. even if
israel ceases to exist. they will then want parts of north africa as
their homeland. why, after all, they are palestinians, the favorite
'victims' of the communists and other useful idiots.

note how the kashmiri pundits have been treated much worse than the
palestinians, put upon by an occupying force of mohammedan terrorists
supported by the oh-so-nice-nice local mohammedans. they have been
ethnically cleansed and pushed into refugee camps. so far the picture
is the same. yet nobody pays the slightest attention to them. the only
difference is that the kashmiri pundits are not out there doing acts
of terrorism and killing people on a large scale. if they were, i am
sure their problems would get a lot more attention.

oh, i forgot, the other difference is that (most) palestinians are
mohammedans. since mohammedan, by the communist/liberal definition, is
'victim', they get all the sympathy in the world. curiously, by the
mohammedans' own definition, they are not 'victims', but 'victors'.
indeed, superior and victimizers who beat up anybody else. i think the
communists must be dyslexic; they see 'victor' and read it as
'victim'. yeah, that's the ticket.

also, the saudis are giving the palestinians money to kill people,
though not to rehabilitate them. that's another difference.