Friday, August 21, 2009

Jaitirth Rao socks it to amartya rothschild

You have to admire jerry rao’s delightful repartee – he is master of the soft jab that really stings. I did not know that amartya had another book out – this time about ‘social justice’. Guess he had enough of teaching us about history and identity eh?


Unknown said...

Call it prejudice if you like but I have deep contempt for the LSE type of economists. 2 notable examples are this Amartya Sen and MMS. The 2 cant even run a village grocery properly. I believe in LSE they take out the brains and replace with cotton wool.

The poor are the left's (not just commies but congress too) vote bank. Now who would like to end poverty and finish off the vote bank? Leftist policies are DESIGNED to perpetuate poverty for this reason.

nizhal yoddha said...

they are very clever people. see how amartya rothschild married his way to a nobel prize. and see how manmohan singh has turned himself into the holder of untold billions in swiss accounts.

and heck, why would they care about the poor?

Brahamvakya said...

MMS is a sad joke and he is the biggest turncoat in the economic world. he has become a great economist with no new theory, thought process or solution to economic problems except for one book.
What not many people don't know is that he wrote a paper criticising the policies of IMF while he was with the world bank and also made a case against liberalisation of Indian economy.

The budget for which he takes so much of credit for (1991) , his only contribution probably was the changing of name from Yashwant sinha to MMS. He is babu, devoid of imagination and a blot on the brave community he comes from. He is a disciple of friedman and followed and taught his social economics.

I rate him as 3rd grade economist and I have been hauled many a times on different forums for my criticism. Amartya is another joke and he married into a nobel. Sadly prof Bhagwati(the most deserving of the louts) never got one. Nobel also is the way to propagate certain thought process and used as an instrument of soft power as other awards are.