Sunday, November 29, 2009

love jihad goes awry

nov 29th, 2009

it's not in the script for the jihadi or the to-be-womb-supplier to die, they are supposed to procreate happily. and often

the jihadi, i think, got the love-jihad script and the suicide-bomber script mixed up. 

does he get 72 virgins? or does he get the girl when he goes to heaven? or, since she is only worth 1/16 as him, does he get 15/16 of the virgins, ie roughly 67.5 virgins? (hindu woman blood money according to saudi arabia = 1/16 bloody money of mohammedan man. look it up on wikipedia).?


bly243001 said...

Oh NO!,
Where will secularistas put their money now?

Swiss Vote to Ban New Minarets

witan said...

To: bly243001
The same news at a different URL: says also, “The call to prayer is banned in the country.” I wish it had been banned here in India too, so one will not have to start the day listening to banshee wails (often imported from Saudi Arabia) at 5:30 in the morning.