Thursday, November 12, 2009

stratfor on fort hood suspect

nov 12th, 2009

i am carefully using the american politically correct terms re. hasan -- 'shooter', 'suspect', 'alleged', 'believed' etc. after all, it is yet to be established through a trial that hasan did anything wrong even though he was caught red-handed. funny, but that's the way the yanks like it. which is why they claim the mumbai 11/26 terrorist qasab is a 'suspect' or 'gunman', not a 'terrorist'. so, in reverse, hasan is also a 'suspect', not a 'crazy terrorist'. 

anyway, i find stratfor, usually so cocky especially when denigrating india, to be rather glum and depressed in this account -- maybe they have realized the full implications of the mohammedan threat to the US rather belatedy, and maybe they now understand how difficult it is in a relatively tolerant society to find and catch and neutralize these monsters, as india has realized for some time. (of course, india also has truly venal politicians and civil servants who will do anything for 30 silver coins.)

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