Friday, February 26, 2010

more on hate speech by brits

feb 25th, 2010

with collapsing economy, all they have to sell is plummy accents and media whoring. we will see ass-kissing of indians soon
RajeevSrinivasa @ramkumaran
remember jallianwallah bagh. that is when indians realized the pure evil of empire. aussies realized it at gallipoli
RajeevSrinivasa @nishkak
british society was far poorer than india's till 1757, battle of plassey. industrial revln funded by loot from bengal
RajeevSrinivasa @NishkaK
true british culture: uncivilized thugs named 'yobs'. malcolm mcdowell in 'a clockwork orange' good picture of british society
little-known fact: british empire covertly and overtly pushed christianization. read fabulous book "the raj syndrome"
RajeevSrinivasa @theeconomist
should be embarrassed that it allows a correspondent to be so biased against a particular religion. hate speech is so passe

1 comment:

sansk said...

UK is gone case....more on similar things is on my blog.