Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My name is Tarun Vijay, and I haven't the faintest idea of mohammedanism

feb 23rd, 2010

i know and like tarun vijay, but this comment is too sharp -- perhaps painfully so -- to not post. i guess tarun too feels the compulsions of po-co now and then. 

anyway, most hindu right-wingers are really decent people, who really just want us all to get along. which is why the demonization of the RSS is so interesting. the RSS are a bunch of generally nice people. but via the demonization the ELM is creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. if you portray the RSS as evil, why, they might as well become evil.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: K

Re:  My name is Kaul
This is an article by Tarun Vijay
Tarun Vijay writes:
"There was not even a hint that terror is bad and it is worse if it is perpetuated in the name of a religion that means Peace. Peace be upon all its followers and all other the creatures too."
To begin at the beginning, Islam means "submission" not "peace."  Peace is "salaam" in Arabic.  But then, if anything really distinguishes Hindu nationalists it is:
1. Their propensity to delude themselves about the Abrahamic religions, especially their allegedly "peaceful" intentions and attributes.
2. Their obstinate and unfounded conviction that flattery of Abrahamic religions is rapidly earning them brownie points among the faithful and their fellow travellers, the "secularists."
3. Their  pipe dream that emphasizing their "Indianness" is going to magically rally the Abrahamics to Pagan causes.

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