Saturday, June 12, 2010

Movie Preview: Red Dawn

Does anyone remember the old 1984 film Red Dawn? It was a movie about a Soviet takeover of the United States:

Well, it's now being remade with a new invader - The People's Republic of China. In this new re-made version, the Chinese invade and occupy the United States when it decides not to repay its large debt to them. As in the original movie, local American youth decide to fight back by organizing a resistance to oust the invaders.

The movie is drawing fire from the Chinese press, who are upset at what they feel is a negative portrayal of their country and its armed forces.

As shown by the behind-the-scenes footage below, the film is a big-budget action flick with a strong potential to be a hit.

The movie is due out just before Christmas this year.


Unknown said...

Whoever thinks that China can invade the US is smoking something very strong. China will be big radioactive crater long before then. US has some 1,400 nukes aimed at China.

karyakarta92 said...

Maoist takeover of India is far more plausible

san said...

Heh, then maybe there should be a Bollywood rip-off of Red Dawn. The scenario of China invading and occupying large parts of India is much more realistic than it doing this to the USA.

This Hollywood re-make is using mostly Korean actors to play the Chinese. A Bollywood version could use Tibetans, Nepalese, and NorthEastern Indians to play the Chinese.