Monday, June 20, 2011

good thing too: slighted, india takes its ball and goes home

jun 15th, 2011 CE

it should have been done long ago. notice how india has more soldiers than all the P5 put together in peace-keeping missions. why isn't china, with the world's largest army, putting more of its soldiers into UN missions? 

also, i have read that there is differential salaries: the UN pays indian soldiers less than they pay white soldiers. well, then, let the whites go rough it in congo. 

the only question is, why on earth is manmohan doing this? doesn't he know that it is india's job to have its soldiers die so that whites may live?

after all, manmohan is the 'intellectual' who proclaimed after receiving a honorary doctorate from some uk university that the british imperial era was good for india. p chidambaram has also said this.

1 comment:

Jatin said...

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