Tuesday, January 17, 2012

british description from 1767CE of indian prior art on vaccination: let the patent lawyers loose!

jan 16th, 2012 CE

indians had perfected the art of vaccination long ago, but we get no credit for it. instead our medical system is insulted as 'unscientific'. 

in the typical western view of IPR, this would mean that indian intellectual property has been copied without compensation, and thus we should sue them for theft of IPR and demand compensation. or at least demand acknowledgment of prior art.

this is much like the indian calendar was stolen by jesuits who came to kerala around 1500CE, and now they tell us our calendar is wrong simply because their calendar has not taken into account the precession of the earth's axis. (in other words, they did not understand our calendar, merely stole the superficialities: the indian calendar, to this day, is accurate about the makara sankranti, the rise of the sun in capricorn), but the winter solstice keeps drifting backwards: which is why the western astrological calendar is 22 days off and therefore totally wrong, whereas the indian astrological calendar is correct -- whether or not you believe in astrology).

so when is the entire world going to give india the royalties due to the theft of intellectual property regarding vaccination against smallpox (and all other diseases where the principle is re-used)?

of course, instead of celebrating this brilliant invention, the british banned it as a 'barbaric hindoo' practice! talk of adding insult to injury!

thanks to arvind and parag.

the west continues to steal indian inventions and discoveries; they will then repackage them as 'western' 'science' and sell it back to us. this is happening with yoga these days. 

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