Wednesday, April 18, 2012

chin-coms struggle for control == war on india likely soon

I don't know much of who this Bo character is and why he is being hounded out - not that it makes a difference. it is one set of gangsters smothering another.

however, I am very nervous when I see chin-coms fighting among themselves; it usually means they will agree to unite in a war against India.

I am reminded of Roderick MacFarquhar's phrase 'mao's india war' . all the omens point to it

1- chinese economy is slowly sinking as us consumers cut back,
2- the surplus of testosterone due to kewed sex ratio in china is spilling over,
3- the tibetans are starting to protest and gain some attention (except barack hussains attention that is)
4- the burmese may be slipping out of chinese control
5- india is once again ruled by nehruvian-stalinists (okay make that nehruvian-benitoists) who are 'living in an artificial atmosphere of our creation'

1 comment:

san said...

Bo Xilai was basically an ambitious official who was engaging in a lot of flamboyant self-promotional populist politics in order to get the people on his side in furtherance of his political ambitions. Other senior commie officials were cautiously watching his rise, and as soon as word got out that he was involved in a corruption scandal, they all quickly pounced on him, to nip his challenge in the bud. This is supposed to send a message to other would-be upstarts that this type of behavior will not be tolerated.