Friday, January 18, 2013

wapo on tusli gabbard (white hindu) and ami bera (hindu converted to christianity) in congress

we knew of course that india is far more broadminded than america. india is run by a white christian. the days when americans will even elect a brown hindu to the US house of reps or senate are pretty far off.


Pagan said...

offtopic: Persons troubling Hindus will be regarded as criminals, says Baloch Liberation Army

Sujeev said...

somewhat on topic: Why are Hindus cooperating with Harvard on this?

Why should Hindus cooperate with this project, when Harvard, and its sister institutions around the world, have been mining such data for centuries, and using some or all of it to trash and denigrate, or otherwise weaken the Hindu way of life?

Since there is so much hype about this study, it must be quite important for such institutions. Can it be stalled, or interfered with, until there is a quid pro quo?

"First, you stop providing institutional support to any actions by any entity, global or regional, that is detrimental to Hindus."

"Then we'll cooperate with such studies that could be beneficial for the whole world."

Can word get around to the organisers and participants of the Kumbh even at this late stage to not cooperate with Harvard operatives with this study?