Thursday, June 04, 2015

Quick notes: IITM, Lead in food...

  • Something awry in IIT-M: From the time IIT Madras started the integrated five-year MA course in English, Development Studies and Economics in 2006, this premier institution of higher learning has been on a downward slope. 

  • Lead in our food: The primary sources of environmental lead are lead paints, backyard recycling of lead batteries and water plumbing materials, among others. Rituals such as immersing painted idols in rivers can put lead in the water, which can infiltrate the food chain.

  • Automation To Reduce IT Labor? India’s IT employment could shrink by as much as 10 percent in the next three years due to the implementation of self-service IT solutions.

  • Tat Tvam Asi:

  • Deluded by ignorance into identifying himself with a specific body, a human regards own self as an insignificant, powerless individual of limited capacity. If it is said to him that he is the Creator of the Whole Universe, he will reject the idea, finding it too absurd or impossible.
    Yet, If he should dust away all limiting identifications of his mind, then, he will see "I am". He will see that he has not just two hands, but uncountable hands in this Universe.

  • Pink Revolution and UPA-3:

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