Sunday, October 18, 2015

Indian Supreme Court Disapproves of Gay Judges (but blames govt)

India's Supreme Court recently painted itself into a corner when it stripped homosexuals in the country of their rights by whimsically citing a technicality. The same Supreme Court is now further arguing that gay judges should not be appointed to the Supreme Court - on the grounds that this might upset the elected govt!

So the bench of cowards is trying to pass the buck by saying that gays are not fit to sit on the court - but only because Mr Modi would allegedly hate it. This is not a court of the courageous, as can plainly be seen - far easier for them to play the "intolerant Modi" card.

Since Lefty networks claim to uphold gay rights, then let this ridiculously crooked argument be shoved in Lefty faces until they're forced to acknowledge the hypocrisy of the judicial fascists they support.

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